Women’s March on Chicago Announces Speakers, March Route, and Rally Details

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CHICAGO, IL – The Women’s March on Chicago has obtained a Rally permit and the Jan. 21 event is taking final shape with confirmation of Rally speakers and the March route.

The event starts with music at 9 a.m., the Rally at 10 a.m., immediately followed by the March through downtown Chicago.

The March will begin at Petrillo Bandshell and head west on Jackson, then north on Michigan, west on Adams, north on Dearborn, west on Randolph, south on Clark, and east on Jackson back to Grant Park. There will be a stopping point at Federal Plaza for those who do not wish to walk the entire March route.

“We’re planning and hoping for the largest women’s Rally and March outside of Washington, D.C. on Saturday, January 21, 2017,” said Ann Scholhamer, one of the March Co-Chairs. “We have been hard at work with our dedicated volunteers to confirm an incredible slate of speakers, representing issues brought to light during the campaign and diverse issues of concern to Chicago women.” 

Speakers include: 

Ari Afsar: From the cast of Hamilton
Jean Albright: Master Sergeant (retired) U.S. Air Force
Eman Hassaballa Aly: Community Activist
Faith Arnold: SEIU Healthcare Illinois, Fight for $15
Eloise Diaz Bahrmasel, RISE Movement
Rabbi Shoshanah Conover: Temple Sholom of Chicago
Tamar Manasseh: Mothers Against Senseless Killings
Fawzia Mirza: Actor/Producer
Karen Olivo: from the cast of Hamilton
Sara Paretsky: Author, Sisters in Crime Creator
Channyn Lynne Parker: Transgender activist, TransLife Project Manager
Rahnee Patrick: Independent Living at Access Living
Maria Pesqueria: President, Mujeres Latinas en Accion
Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley: Hadiya Pendleton Foundation
Tiffany Pryor: Executive Director, Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health
Liz Radford & Ann Scholhamer: Co-Chairs of the Women’s March on Chicago
Samantha Marie Ware: From the cast of Hamilton
Reyna Wences: Organized Communities Against Deportations
Rev. Dr. Janette C. Wilson, Esq.: National RainbowPUSH Coalition

The excitement on the March’s social media platforms and through the March’s partnerships “reflects a Chicago coalition against policies and ideologies born of oppression of women, intolerance, and inequality,” organizers of the march stated. This movement has gone global, with more than 200 sister protests and marches planned worldwide. Support from Chicago and surrounding areas is building. Organizers are encouraging women and allies to put ‘feet in the street’ as a visual demonstration of the power of this event too large to ignore.  

Go to the webpage for information about supporting organizations: womens121marchonchicago.org. For access and other information, check out the FAQ section of the March website www.womens121marchonchicago.org or go to the Facebook page: womensmarchonchicago.  Join this movement and tell us why you are marching at #womensmarchchi and #whyImarch.   

Fawzia Mirza
Eman Hassaballa Aly
Channyn Lynne Parker
Reyna Wences
Sara Paretsky

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