The National Black Church Initiative “outraged” over Donald Trump’s remarks in regards to President Obama’s citizenship

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Comments on President Obama’s Birthplace are Intentionally Divisive



(From the National Black Church Initiative)

Washington DC – The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, is outraged by recent remarks by investment tycoon Donald Trump.  In his fledgling bid as a presidential nominee Trump has re-ignited false allegations of President Obama’s citizenship – stirring up old rumors about the validity of Obama’s Hawaii birth records.  These remarks are extraordinarily misinformed and speak to a deeper and more insidious problem – racism.

As a national African American organization, we are appalled that in Trump’s effort to garner publicity and separate himself from the pack he feels it is appropriate to dredge up false, divisive and ugly rumors about our elected President.  While we may disagree with Obama on policy decisions, we wholeheartedly stand behind our President and, in accordance with widely accepted facts, acknowledge his lawful citizenship.  Those who remain skeptical are unsuccessfully hiding their racism under a veil of conspiracy theories and gossip.  So, to those who continue to undermine the legitimacy of our President’s citizenship – we see you for what you are.

Rev. Anthony Evans, President of NBCI says, “When anyone attempts to divide the American public for personal political gain the democratic system is tarnished by indignity.  As a leader in the faith-based community I can confidently say that we stand united – promoting the Christian values of respect and inclusiveness, divided not by race or belief, in support our President.  I strongly feel that Donald Trump is using race to further a divisive agenda – an agenda that has no place in modern American political culture.  We have come a long way, Obama’s election illustrating the evolution of equality in the United States.  Let us not allow anyone to regress the progress we have achieved by championing false, racist beliefs.”

About NBCI

The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) is a coalition of 34,000 African American and Latino churches working to eradicate racial disparities in healthcare, technology, education, housing, and the environment. NBCI’s mission is to provide critical wellness information to all of its members, congregants, churches and the public. Visit our website at


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