State Representative Arroyo calls for Mass Transit Committee hearings on Metra, CTA and Pace

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Chicago, IL – State Representative Luis Arroyo (D-3rd) announced that the Mass Transit Committee of the Illinois House of Representatives will hold a hearing today (August 26) to investigate and fix problems at Metra. Arroyo serves as the Chairman of the Committee.


“I have reached out to all of the members of the transit committee,” said Arroyo, “and our intentions are clear. We all want to make sure that our public transit agencies operate with the utmost efficiency, transparency, and safety. I feel strongly that there are issues to address not only at Metra, but at the CTA and Pace as well.”
Arroyo has been gathering information regarding Metra over the past several weeks, and has worked up several different approaches to safeguarding the public interest in transit operations. The hearing will be held at the James R. Thompson Center.
“I fully expect that our committee process will lead to legislation,” said Arroyo.  “We’re hopeful that in the very near future, we will be in a position to circulate draft legislation dealing with such issues as firmer governance, greater transparency, and compensation at all three agencies.”
 Arroyo is working with House leadership and staff to schedule and facilitate subject matter hearings.
The meeting will be held at the James R. Thompson Center, Room 16-503, 100 W. Randolph Street, beginning at 10 a.m.

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