State officials mark National Fair Housing Month with Launch Screening of “American Casino;” a film on the Foreclosure Crisis

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Illinois Department of Human Rights, Office of the Illinois Attorney General and Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to Highlight State’s Protections Against Housing Discrimination, Mortgage Fraud


Chicago, IL – The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR), the Office of the Illinois Attorney General and the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) will commemorate National Fair Housing Month with free screenings of American Casino, a documentary on how deregulation and discrimination in subprime and predatory lending practices drove millions of people into financial ruin.

IDHR Director Rocco Claps, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and IDFPR Division of Banking Director Manuel Flores will discuss fair housing rights as well as protections and resources available through the state to avoid mortgage fraud, predatory loans and foreclosures.

American Casino, “where mortgages replace the chips,” is “a powerful and shocking look at the subprime lending scandal,” according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.  “If you want to understand how the US financial system failed and how mortgage companies ripped off the poor, see this film,” said Stiglitz.

RSVP today for the April 18th free screening of American Casino by calling 312-814-6278 or by emailing:  Please note that a valid government-issued ID is required for entry to the Bilandic Building at any time.

  Additional free screeningswill be shown at the same location on April 19, 20, 21 and 22 from 12 Noon – 1:30 PM (no RSVP required for these dates).  No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium.

This year marks the 43rd anniversary of the enactment of the U.S. Federal Fair Housing Act and the 32nd anniversary of the Illinois Human Rights Act – laws that were enacted to bar discriminatory acts based on several protected classes including race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability and familial status. 


WHO:              Rocco Claps, Director, IL Department of Human Rights

                         Lisa Madigan, IL Attorney General

                         Manuel Flores, Director, Div. of Banking, IL Dept of Financial

                         and Professional Regulation

                         Leslie Combs, Office of U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky


WHAT:            Launch of American Casino filmon foreclosure crisis to mark

                        Fair Housing Month

                                                (Free screenings continue at same location throughout the week

                                                from 12 Noon)


                        WHEN:            April 18, 10 a.m. registration; 11 a.m. movie screening


                                              (Valid government-issued ID required for entry; please

                                               allow time for security check)


                        WHERE:         Michael Bilandic Building

                                                5th floor auditorium (C-500)

                                                160 N. LaSalle

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