Rep. Schakowsky: Arizona’s Immigration Law is “excessive and draconian”
 Rep. Schakowsky’s Statement on Arizona ’s Excessive Immigration Law
WASHINGTON, DC – (April 26, 2010) Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) issued the following statement in response to Arizona ’s Governor Jan Brewer signing harshly punitive immigration legislation into law.
“ Arizona ’s recently-passed immigration law is both excessive and draconian. It allows basic civil rights to be trampled by suspicion and prejudice. This is a clear reminder of why America needs comprehensive immigration reform now. Without it we risk more misguided, lopsided laws like the one in Arizona that does nothing to actually fix our broken immigration system.
“The last 20 years have shown us that enforcement-only immigration policies just don’t work. We need an immigration system that sets a logical pathway to legalization, allows families to stay intact, protects workers, and keeps America safe. That is why I am an original co-sponsor of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform ASAP Act, H.R. 4321.
“As a first-generation American, I know what this great country can do for hardworking families who come here to contribute and prosper. With H.R. 4321, we can carry on the proud American tradition of welcoming cultural diversity and becoming a stronger nation for it. With passage of H.R. 4321, we will pave the road to citizenship for the 12 million undocumented immigrants who are now living in the United States and also strengthen security measures to protect our borders.
“Now more than ever before, we need Democrats and Republicans to come together and pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation.”