President Obama was elected by the majority with a mandate, yet, he is being rejected by a few from the Pit of Hell!

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Today’s ‘political actors’ are trying to sell the public a mythology to digest consisting of modern-day slavery ingredients coupled with a salty taste of yesterday’s slavery of bondage! This burnt-stewed meal is dipped in bitter herbs and cannot be digested by minorities.


By Rev. Harold E. Bailey

President of The Probation Challenge/PCC Internet Broadcast Network


As dictated by the large majority of voters across America, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States and has a mandated responsibility to govern the welfare of millions across the nation.

While watching the political drama with a jaundice eye, I’ve seen the opposition that President Obama has encountered while carrying out the voters’ mandate; I’ve seen strange things that were out of place and out of political order! I have noted that some political pundits speak with a fork-tongue when it comes to matters of truth. Then there’s a fraction of others that offer reasons why the president’s proposals just don’t offer good political strategies!

However, strange, I undeniably noticed that only a few are truly uncovering the “Nay Sayers Saga” and telling it the way it should be told. The hardcore truth of this matter is just what it is, and should be considered as such: Blatant Racism and Total Disrespect for an African-American! This kind of political biased behavior is out of touch with reality, and is a surprise to decent minded individuals… particularly in this 21st Century!

According to statistics, from 2008 to 2013, President Barack Obama came from a then population count of 304.72 million to now 317.26 million citizens to govern! What a burden of responsibility to be entrusting upon a humble gentleman with humble beginnings. Never has a president had such awesome responsibilities to watch over such a large body of people. However, God gave him favor for the journey!

Given the humongous history of these Not-So-United States, we’ve never had a President to fall subject to the misgivings and wimps of Republicans, at least not so overtly…until now! A few Democrats have covered themselves as under the cloth of darkness to do their offensive behavior. How can one with rational thinking believe this is not racism?

Seeking to comply with the voters’ mandate for constructive change, President Obama has incurred not only blatant racism, but bold and blameless suggestions to take the United States back into the documented years of overt slavery!

Today’s ‘political actors’ brings to the table for the public to digest, a mythology with ingredients of modern-day slavery coupled with a taste of yesterday’s slavery and bondage! This burnt-stewed meal dipped in bitter herbs, cannot be digested by the U.S. population who selected and elected a president with promises to deliver them from the hands of slave masters who issued crumbs from the table of opportunity.

It is quite apparent that too many Congressional persons are yet living in their yesterdays, drinking more than mint-tea. while enjoying Tea Parties ideologies. They have now invited their other Republican friends to party along with them in despicable measures – as they become intoxicated with the delight of returning people of color back to bondage via the legal system – while others perish under the strains of unemployment and hunger. Well orchestrated plans via the Republicans and Tea Party, have forgotten that yesterdays have come and gone and can never be repeated… today nor in our many tomorrows! It is over and the best is yet to come!

Modern-day politicians must acknowledge that change have come and can be great among the people, only if we give ‘change’ and ‘chance’ to develop for the sake of our children and our children’s children!

U.S. history dictated that in the past, both parties allowed their choice of presidents to represent their constituencies, thusly, the presidents then had their way of governing the country with their own brand selection of cabinet members. Check the records, most times presidents never had much opposition (if any) from Congress regarding their cabinet selections – not until now! Wonder why now? It couldn’t be because the old ways of doing things with some people has sought to rise from the dead – is it? Call it out … come forth with truth – it is Racism!

The Office of the President with past administrations was deemed as the most respectable office in the world and held in high regard – until an African-American was elected! Now, in the middle of the stream the rules are seeking to be changed … just as they were changed throughout history as it reflected the lives of Colored folk, Negros, Blacks and now African-Americans! The biased racial game is still the same, only the faces have changed! Call it what it is: Racism, which is an act of discrimination! In these United States of America?

Most countries around the world have given U.S. voters their proper props for obeying the many official mandates of a president. And, we did line-up behind their leadership. Why are things changing now? Things have changed to the point of Republicans fighting among themselves sending out mixed messages… and at war with their friends – the Tea Party. Republicans appear to be in a state of mass confusion as they seek to continue their efforts to incarcerate the poor.

Even the misleading President George W. Bush, had his orders obeyed as the United States march off to an unjust war … there were no serious outcries! Oh, by the way ‘Weapons of Mass Destructions’ were never found… there was little outcry from Democrats or Republicans, and no Congressional hearings! Thousands of our young men and women were slaughtered and there still was no serious outcry! 

I hasten to point out that former President George W. Bush to this day hasn’t offered an apology to the nation for his actions in leading this nation into disaster, nor has Congress asked for an inquiry to be held in that regard! Where is the true justice when it lies at the feet of past White Presidents? There appears to be a set of separate rules applied in the United States!

Former President George W. Bush, who in his limited wisdom placed the United States into a state of insanity – is felt even today! All of Bush’s mismanagements were inherited by President Barack Obama – A Black Gentleman! A gentleman who with a heart of compassion set out on a  course to bring this country into the 21st Century with respect and dignity, which the White House lost under the guides of President Nixon and now George W. Bush.

Many deranged forces supporting past presidential administrations and those who contrived to put this country into this earthly pit of hell have now chosen to abandon President Obama in his quest to set matters right. How evil and disrespectable can certain leaders of this country become?

It was never expected, nor envisioned that an African-American man would ever sit in that prestigious seat of authority … at least in this lifetime, however no one knew this change of events would take place… except the mind of God!

America: The world court watches us and will judge us as we express that others should be like us! The question comes to mind: Is the United States the land of the free and the home of the brave and an example for others to emulate? Are we brave enough to start doing the right things? Things that our children will look back and say how proud they are with their parents in bring about a constructive change in their lifetime. And, that their parents made a remarkable difference in their lives simply by signing off to evil deeds… and adopting God-fearing truth.

First Lady Michelle Obama has contributed greatly in assisting her husband Barack Obama, the President; but she has also contributed greatly to the United States of America.

Rev. Harold E. Bailey, President of The Probation Challenge/PCC Internet Broadcast Network: – The Truth Network.

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