Physicians Medical Forum hosts “Doctors on Board Program” to recruit and retain African American physicians to practice in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay area

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Pre-med students, college students, and high school seniors invited to take part


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According to an article published in the Journal of the National Medical Association, African Americans comprise 13% of America’s population but only 4% of U.S. physicians. The publication’s study concluded that financial constraints, insufficient exposure to medicine as a career, little encouragement at home and in schools, lack of role models, and negative peer pressure may contribute to racial disparities in the physician workforce for African Americans. Exposure at a young age to role models and to medicine as a profession might increase the number of African American physicians. Oakland, CA-based Physicians Medical Forum addresses these issues as it recruits African American physicians to practice in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area.

Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area ( — The Physicians Medical Forum (PMF) vies to increase the number of African American physicians, residents and medical students in Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco Counties, while helping to eliminate health disparities and improving the quality of life and medical care for Bay Area patients. To that end, on February 12th, the non-profit organization will host its “Doctors on Board Program,” a day-long, information-filled series of seminars, workshops and case study lectures to encourage recruitment and retention of African American physicians. Several of the Bay Area’s most prominent medical professionals will provide students with an innovative and exciting opportunity to explore varied facets of medicine and provide information about medical school preparation, medical specialties, and life as a physician. PMF’s “Doctors on Board Program” is funded in large part by Alta Bates Summit Medical Center and Wells Fargo. Student Application deadline is Feb. 3, 2011.

WHO: Physicians Medical Forum (PMF)
WHAT: “Doctors on Board Program” (Physician Recruitment Conference)
WHEN: Saturday, February 12, 2011 | 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration/breakfast (7-8 a.m.) | networking social (5-7 p.m.)
WHERE: Oakland Marriott City Center | 10th and Broadway

“I am excited that Physicians’ Medical Forum is addressing the need for more physicians of color to practice in Bay Area inner-city communities,” said PMF Board President Dr. Kathryn E. Malone. “We certainly expect our “Doctors on Board Program” will succeed in convincing young students to consider becoming doctors, and medical students and residents to come to or remain in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area.”

Keynote, presenting, and moderating participants will include: Kathryn E. Malone, M.D., PMF Board President and Sutter East Bay Foundation; Chuck Prosper, C.O.O., Alta Bates Summit Medical Center; Willie Natt, Senior Vice- President & Regional Sales Manager, Wells Fargo; Renee Chapman Navarro, PharmD., M.D., Vice-provost, UCSF Diversity and Outreach; Glenda F. Newell, M.D., Newell & Spriggs Consulting, LLC.; Warren J. Strudwick, M.D., M.B.A., Bay Area Orthopaedic Sports & Spine and Oakland Raiders team physician; Albert L. Brooks, M.D., Washington Hospital; Michelle Shute, M.D., F.A.C.P, Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation; Sandra Weatherby, M.D., Kaiser Permanente; and numerous other prominent medical professionals, faculty, residents, medical students, administrators, and business professionals – all with whom students will network during pre- and post-program activities.

PMF Executive Director Stalfana Bello said, “PMF understands that an active, viable, diverse and thriving medical community is key to retaining physicians. The “Doctors On Board Program” is vital in the effort to encourage students to pursue careers in medicine, which is imperative to maintaining healthy inner-city communities.”

The “Doctors on Board Program” is supported by Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, Wells Fargo, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, and the Safeway Foundation.

The Physicians Medical Forum is an Oakland, CA-based non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation supported by a grant from Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. The organization strives to partner with medical schools and universities to develop and maintain sustainability initiatives, programs, events, mentoring, and organizational support that serves to encourage residents and medical students to pursue their careers in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. PMF endeavors to provide information on policy, research, legislation and knowledgeable speakers on myriad of healthcare initiatives, programs, and related topics.

The Physicians Medical Forum mission is to recruit and retain African American Physicians to eliminate health disparities; improve access to care; and maintain diversity within the profession, thereby improving the quality of life for people of color in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. PMF programs and initiatives include: Physicians Database Directory, Physicians Retention and Recruitment Studies, Continuing Medical Education & Training, Physician Professional and Economic Development, and community outreach programs for medical students and residents.

PMF has also received grants from California Healthcare Foundation and SGC Financial and Insurance Services.

2201 Broadway, Suite 212 | Oakland, CA 94612
510.562-5560 p | 510.874-7701 f |

“The ultimate reason to become a medical doctor is to help people. PMF is in this business.”

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