New Plan To Fund More Non-Profits And For-Profits In Black Communities


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Nationwide — They are many great non-profits, making great strides in the Black community in the areas of health, education, equal rights, the arts, and many more. However, many of them don’t have the funding to expand and grow their organizations. “This is because they have to rely on the goodness of people and companies to fund their organizations. This is not the best way to fund our organizations, especially when the economy is doing so badly,” says Terrance Amen, founder and CEO of 3UFirst.

Terrance says that his company can solve this problem by offering organizations ownership in the company, donations to their organization, and sponsorship of their events. In return, the organizations that agree to the terms simply have to endorse, promote, and support 3UFirst. He comments, “This is a great way to fund our HBCUs and other organizations putting in the work. Too many times our organizations have to go begging for crumbs and having to reach outside our community, in order to keep their doors open.”

Sometimes Black organizations can’t do or say the things they really want to because they’re afraid of offending their donors. According to Terrance, “This is not the solution to funding our organizations. It’s past time we change this paradigm by funding a for-profit company like 3UFirst, that’s dedicated to solving the major problems in our community. Starting with using the money we’re already spending and investing in other for-profit companies, we can create or re-create the institutions we had, before what he calls, the integration experiment we continue to rely on.”

He goes on to say that this is why we’re still dealing with the same problems we had 50-60 years ago. He continues, “By focusing on Black companies and organizations that are giving back to our community, we can finally begin to address and solve the major problems in our community. The slow progress in our community stems from following people in and outside our community who don’t have the best interest in their own community, let alone our community. A perfect example of this is the COVID-19 virus and the unnecessary lives that have been lost.”

If you’re a non-profit that’s been around for at least 10 years or have a large organization and have a proven track record of success, 3UFirst can help.

For information on how this plan can be implemented and why it is needed, watch this video and share it:

Terrance Amen is the founder and CEO of 3UFIRST fpc., created to end the major problems in the African American community, by bringing some of the trillion dollars we spend every year outside our community, back to our community, in order to fund our for-profits and nonprofits, based on his book, Black Unity: The Total Solution to Financial Independence and Happiness. For more information, go to

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