New groundbreaking Black Inventors Ebook

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Brooklyn, NY ( — Global Black Inventor Research Projects, Inc., is proud to announce that Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success by Keith C. Holmes is now available as an e-book on a number of different eReaders. Book distributors, bookstores, educational institutions and libraries are welcome to negotiate terms directly. This e-book cites inventors of color from over seventy countries and five continents.

To date, seventeen Black inventors have been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In the book, Holmes cites a large number of inventors of color from throughout Africa, Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States.

He also documents a number of inventors of color who have received the prestigious World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Gold Medal Award. The book also includes many international innovators and inventors who are women of color.

The paperback edition of Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success is shelved in over 800 national, state, university and public libraries, and in museums, research centers, schools and bookstores in 30 countries. For the 2010 – 2013 National African American Read-in, the National Council of Teachers of English selected Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success as a reading list book.

The first publication circulates in:
* 6 of 10 of the world’s largest library systems and 13 national libraries
* 25 of 50 distinguished college and public libraries in Canada and the United States
* 16 of 20 top ranked libraries in Canada’s largest cities
* top ranked libraries in Australia, the Caribbean and the United Kingdom
* 8 of 10 top ranked libraries in South Africa
* 7 of 50 State libraries in the United States
* 40 of 50 top ranked public libraries in the United States

ISBN-13: 978-0-979957307, Description:179p; Retail price: $15.00 USD.(Pbk)
ISBN-13: 978-0979957314, Description: 260p; Retail price: $12.00 USD. (eBook)
Baker & Taylor(Blio) 978-0979957314, Description: 179p; Retail: $12.00 USD. (eBook)
Google Play: 978-0979957314, Description: 260p; Retail : $12.00 USD. (eBook)
Kindle ASIN: B008KMEFTM, Description: 260p; Retail: $ 9.99 USD. (eBook)
Kobo: 978-0-979957314, Description: 260p; Retail: $12.00 USD. (eBook)
Nook BN ID:2940014594653 Description: 260p; Retail: $12.00 USD. (eBook)

Most recently, the publication was selected to be a part of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s, 2013 Annual Legislative Conference Author Pavilion held at the Washington, DC Convention Center from September 19th – 21st, 2013. Meet and Greet the Author on Thursday, September 19th, 2013, from 12:00p.m. – 2:00p.m at Exhibit Hall E. – Booth 521. For more information, visit the Renaissance Group LLC Website: or Facebook page: Author Pavilion presented by The Renaissance Group, LLC.

The eBook edition serves as a convenient and accessible resource for educators, students, parents, schools, community centers, learning resource centers, libraries, museums, research centers and universities. For more details about the book, visit

MEDIA: Author Keith C. Holmes is available for author visits, book signings, lectures and workshops.

Photo Caption: Bookcover and author, Keith C. Holmes

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