Lt. Gov. Simon urges passage of SB630
 Says consensus bill is “meaningful reformâ€Â
 Springfield, IL – Lt. Governor Sheila Simon will testify today before the Senate Education Committee in support of SB 630, a sweeping education reform bill that promotes excellent teaching, weights teacher performance in retention, provides more transparency in contract negotiations and introduces new steps prior to a strike.
 As the Governor’s point person on education reform, Simon commended Sen. Kimberly Lightford’s Education Reform Workgroup for bringing education and business stakeholders to the table to reach this consensus bill, which has the potential to improve education for all Illinois students.
 Simon said: “The next wave of education reform required all of us — teachers, administrators, community members and policymakers — to rethink business as usual. The result is a meaningful reform bill that will help us weed out bad teachers and seed new ones. It puts students first, while also preserving the collective bargaining rights of their greatest advocates. The process behind and the passage of this bill will make Illinois a model for the rest of the nation.â€