Illinois State Board of Education announces meetings for December 15-16 in Springfield
Springfield, IL – The Illinois State Board of Education has announced the following upcoming meetings for December 15-16 in Springfield, Illinois.         Â
All State Board of Education meetings listed on this agenda will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons planning to attend who need special accommodations should contact the Board office no later than the date prior to the meeting. Contact the Superintendent’s office at the State Board of Education, Phone: 217-782-2221; TTY/TDD: 217-782-1900; Fax: 217-785-3972.
  ISBE Committee Meetings and Plenary Session will be held at ISBE’s Springfield Office, 100 N. First St.,Springfield, ILÂ
NOTE: Staff presentations and detailed Board discussion typically take place during committee meetings prior to the State Board taking action in the plenary session. Note that some committee meetings will begin at the conclusion of the previous meeting.
 December 15, 2010
All open meetings will be audio cast on the Internet at:Â
    10:30 a.m.      Board Operations Committee of the Whole
                 I. Roll Call
                II. Board Member Participation by Other Means
               III. Public Participation
              IV. Minutes of the October Board Operations Committee of the Whole Meeting
               V.*Review Nominations for Recognition
              VI.*Board Bylaws – Second Review (Darren Reisberg)
             VII. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
            VIII. Closed Session Motion
              IX. Adjourn
                                                                                                                                   X.  * Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.
  10:45 a.m.      Closed Session through lunch
12:15 p.m.     Governmental Relations Committee of the Whole
(This meeting will begin immediately following lunch.)
               I.   Roll Call
              II.   Board Member Participation by Other Means
             III.   Public Participation (15 minutes maximum)
            IV.   Legislative Update – Veto Session (Darren Reisberg, Nicole Wills, Cynthia Riseman)
             V.   Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
            VI.   Adjourn
 * Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.Â
1:15 p .m.      Finance & Audit Committee of the Whole
 (This meeting will begin immediately following the previous session.)
I.       Roll Call
II.      Board Member Participation by Other Means
III.     Public Participation   Â
IV.    Minutes of the October Finance & Audit Committee of the Whole Meeting
V.   *Contracts Over $1 MillionÂ
A. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin for Spanish Academic Language Standards
       & Assessments (Robin Lisboa)Â
VII.   Internal Audit Standards (Melissa Oller)
VIII. Â Â Independence of Internal Audit Activity (Melissa Oller)
IX.  *Lemont-Bromberek S.D. #113A’s Financial Plan and Update
X.   *FY11 Budget UpdateÂ
XI.    Update on North Chicago District #187  (information item)Â
XII.   Capital Needs Assessment Report (Deb Vespa) (information item)
XIII. Â Â Preliminary Findings from Education Funding Advisory Board (EFAB) (Sylvia Puente, Dean Clark)
(information item) Â
XIV.           Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (Dan Long and Jim Muschinske)
          (information item)Â
XV. FY12 State Board of Education Budget – Update and Discussion   Â
          (Superintendent Koch, Linda Mitchell, Scott Taylor)
XVI. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
XVII. Adjourn* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and Board action may be taken in the plenary session.
December 16, 2010
All open meetings will be audio cast on the Internet at:Â
 8:30 a.m.        Education Policy Planning Committee the WholÂ
               I.   Roll Call
              II.   Board Member Participation by Other Means
             III.   Public Participation (15 minutes maximum)
            IV.   Minutes of the October Education Policy Planning Committee of the Whole Meeting
             V. *Appointment to the Teacher Certification Board (Linda Tomlinson, Patrick Murphy)
             VI. *Poverty Commission Presentation/Recommendation of EndorsementÂ
(Lanita Koster, Board Member Doug Schenkelberg, Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights)
           VII. *Review of Draft State Board Annual Report
   (Superintendent Koch, Susie Morrison, Matt Vanover)
          VIII.   Strategic Agenda Update (verbal update) (Superintendent Koch
            IX.   Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
             X.   Adjourn
* Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.Â
9:15 a.m.        Ad Hoc Rules Committee the Whole
(This meeting will begin immediately following the previous session.)
                 I. Roll Call
                II. Board Member Participation by Other Means
               III. Public Participation
              IV. Minutes of the October Ad Hoc Rules Committee of the Whole Meeting
               V. Rules for Discussion
a.    Part 30 (Programs for the Preparation of Principals in Illinois) (Patrick Murphy)
              VI.*Rules for Initial Review (Darren Reisberg, Shelley Helton)
A.   Part 151 (School Construction Program) (Deb Vespa)Â
             VII.*Rules for Adoption (Darren Reisberg, Shelley Helton)
A.   Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) (Connie Wise)
B.   Part 25 (Certification) (Patrick Murphy, Linda Jamali)
C.   Part 100 (Requirements for Accounting, Budgeting, Financial Reporting, and Auditing) (Deb Vespa)
D.   Part 675 (Providers of Supplemental Educational Services) (Monique Chism)
            VIII. Committee Agenda Planning/Additional Items
              IX. Adjourn
*Â Items listed with an asterisk (*) will be discussed in committee and action may be taken in the plenary session.Â
10:30 a.m.      ISBE Plenary Session Â
(This meeting will begin immediately following the previous session.)
NOTE: Â Staff presentations and detailed Board discussion typically take place during Committee meetings prior to State Board action in the plenary session.Â
           I. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
A.   Consideration of and Possible Actions on Any Requests for Participation in Meeting by Other Means
         II. Public Participation (30 minutes)
        III. Resolutions & RecognitionÂ
a.    Annice Brave, 2010-11 Illinois Teacher of the Year, Alton High School
b.   Dexter Chaney, 2010 Illinois Recipient of Milken National Educator Award, Ryerson Elementary, CPS
c.    Paula Dupont, Recipient of 2010 Burroughs Outstanding School Board President Award, Burr Ridge
d.   Susan Johnson, Retired Teacher, Homewood S.D. #153
e.    Namaste Charter School, HealthierUS School Challenge Gold Award
        IV. Superintendent’s Report
* Consent Agenda
All action consideration items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and will be enacted in one motion and vote. Any board member who wishes separate discussion on any item listed on the consent agenda may remove that item from the consent agenda, in which event, the item will be considered in its normal sequence.Â
Action Considerations
A. *Approval of Minutes: October 28, 2010
B. *Rules for Initial Review
1.    Part 151 (School Construction Program)
C. *Rules for Adoption
D.   Part 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision)
E.   Part 25 (Certification)
F.   Part 100 (Requirements for Accounting, Budgeting, Financial Reporting, and Auditing)
G.   Part 675 (Providers of Supplemental Educational Services)
D. *Contracts and Grants Over $1 Million
1.  Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin for Spanish Academic Language Standards
       & Assessments
E. *Board Bylaws
F. *Lemont-Bromberek S.D. #113 Financial Status
G. *FY11 State Board of Education Budget (as needed)
H. *Appointment to Teacher Certification BoardÂ
I.   *Approval of Draft State Board of Education Annual Report
J. *Endorsement of Poverty Commission Recommendations
End of Consent Agenda
K.   Approval of Closed Session Minutes (as needed)
L.    Superintendent’s Contract (as needed)
       V.   New Business
      VI.   Announcements and ReportsÂ
A.   IBHE Liaison Report (Dr. Proshanta Nandi)
B.   P-20 Council Liaison Report (No report this month)
C.   Superintendent’s/Senior Staff AnnouncementsÂ
D.   Chairman’s ReportÂ
E.   Member Reports Â
    VII.   Information Items
A.    ISBE Fiscal & Administrative Monthly Reports (available online at
   VIII.   Adjourn