Illinois GOP to hold fundraiser for Speaker Madigan’s opponent

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Chicago, IL – Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady announced that the Party will host a fundraiser for Patrick John Ryan, the “Republican” candidate challenging House Speaker Michael Madigan in the race for State Representative in the 22nd House district.

“We applaud Mr. Ryan for taking on such an enormous challenge of trying to unseat Speaker Madigan, and we want to show our support,” said Chairman Brady. “He’s definitely got the intestinal fortitude we look for in our Republican challengers. I’d just like to meet him.”

We believe that Ryan is a 30-year old resident of Chicago’s 13th Ward who voted in Democratic primaries until this year. “That shouldn’t be held against him,” said Chairman Brady. “The fact that he now believes in smaller, more effective government, lower taxes and the need to end Speaker Madigan’s reign of power in Springfield is absolutely wonderful.”

Madigan has held his House seat since 1971. He has been Speaker for 25 of the last 27 years.

Ryan has yet to form a registered political committee and has not reported raising any campaign donations. “That’s why we’re hoping to help,” explained Chairman Brady. “How could anyone expect to take on Mike Madigan without at least a few yard signs?”

The fundraiser for Ryan is planned for Thursday, September 30, at English, 444 N. LaSalle Boulevard in Chicago. The event will run from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. A copy of the invitation for the event can be found at

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