Illinois AFL-CIO President addresses Senate defeat of Destructive Workers’ Compensation Changes
 Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan made the following statement:
“Today’s Senate vote to defeat SB1349, designed specifically to gut workers’ compensation protections for Illinois citizens, was a victory for working families.
“The Illinois AFL-CIO and the medical community have been working for weeks to help craft reforms to our workers’ compensation laws that would be fair to workers, doctors and business alike. SB1349 would have destroyed worker protections. We applaud the lawmakers who voted against this bill. By doing so they paved the way for meaningful, negotiated and fair change that will ease the burden on business while making sure injured workers get quality and speedy care for their injuries, can see a doctor of their choice and get back to work as quickly as possible.
“We look forward to moving forward with workers’ compensation negotiations in an agreed bill process.”