Guyana Tribute Foundation and Founder file complaint in CA Superior Court against Evergreen Cemetery Assoc., Et.Al. for failure to fulfill its contract to erect Memorial Wall Tribute to victims of 1978 People’s Temple Massacre, instituted by Jim Jones

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Complaint Sites Damages, Declaratory Relief, and Injunctive Relief


On Nov. 18, 1978 the world as we knew it was changed forever. 918 adults and 305 children – including 40 infants – lost their lives along with U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and a United Press International film crew. The place was Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana – that Paradise of Pain founded and led by James Warren “Jim” Jones, forever rendered infamous by its name “Jonestown.” Most of the child victims were laid to rest in Oakland, California’s Evergreen Cemetery.


Oakland, CA ( — Today, families represented by the Guyana Tribute Foundation, a non-profit corporation, and its founder Jynona Norwood (Plaintiffs) announced that on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 they filed a complaint in Superior Court of CA (Alameda County) against Evergreen Cemetery Association, Evergreen Cemetery president Buck Kamphausen, and the cemetery’s executive director Ron Haulman (defendants). The plaintiffs’ sighted the following causes of action: Breach of Oral Contract, Breach of Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, Intentional Misrepresentation of Fact, Negligent Misrepresentation of Fact, Fraud, Injunctive Relief Against All Defendants, and Declaratory Relief.


After over three decades of planning on the part of activist Jynona Norwood whose family lost 27 loved ones including her mother and three-month-old cousin Charles Garry Henderson – the youngest child to perish in Jonestown – a granite memorial wall was approved to be erected at Oakland, California’s Evergreen Cemetery. The memorial was to be inscribed with the names of the victims along with those of Congressman Leo Ryan and members of his film crew and placed on the site where most of the children who died in the 1978 Jonestown Massacre were laid to rest.

Despite having been previously approved by cemetery management, the memorial wall is now being opposed by a coalition led by Jim Jones leaders – in part, because the families represented by the Guyana Tribute Foundation and Norwood refuse to allow the Peoples Temple leader’s name to be included. Evergreen Cemetery has since alleged reasons for not erecting the wall, even though a significant payment has already been made to Amador/Marin Monument Company (Evergreen Cemetery’s recommended vendor) for the wall’s construction.

Late February 2011, activist, philosopher, comedian, and author Dick Gregory accompanied Norwood to lead a press conference, prayer vigil and rally at the cemetery to protest cemetery management’s position on placement of the memorial wall. They were joined by Jonestown survivors, families, and friends of victims, and concerned citizens, community, civic, academia and ministerial leaders. Supporters endorsing this effort include Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Dr. Amos Brown, Bishop Bob Jackson, Rev. Eugene Lumpkin, Prof. Oba T’Shaka, Rabbi Steven Jacobs, Rev. Michael Pfleger, Rev. Timothy Mc Donald, Rev. Ed Norwood, and Dr. J. Alfred Smith Jr., among others.

Along with the Guyana Tribute Foundation – who represents the families and children – Dr. Jynona Norwood vows to continue the fight to erect the memorial wall in honor of her slain family members, along with the 305 human innocent children and hundreds of adult victims who lost their lives at Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana, South America.

To learn more about the Jonestown story and Dr. Norwood’s efforts, visit

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