Going green could save your company money

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Successfully Promote Your Company’s greener side                                                                                                     

 (From the Better Business Bureau)                                                      



 Chicago, IL – Going green could save your company money, and may have a lasting impact on how your customers perceive your products and services. If you’re looking to get a reputational boost from your dedication to the environment, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) recommends sticking to the truth and not exaggerating your company’s impact.


There are many different shades and hues when it comes to being a green company. Some businesses strive to manufacture products that are better for the environment, while others take steps to be greener in daily operations, through measures such as recycling, using carbon offsets and taking steps to save energy.


“Going green can save your company money, especially if you take steps to conserve energy,” said Steve J. Bernas, president & CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and Northern Illinois. “It may also make your company money as consumers are looking for products and services that won’t be as harmful to the environment.”


The BBB offers the following advice on promoting your business‘ greener side:


 Get a stamp of approval. While there is no seal for green products, there are independent third-party organizations that will certify your environmentally friendly statements. Avoid making claims about certification or seals that might be considered exaggerated or overly broad. Research any third-party carefully before seeking certification through their program; to view free Business Reviews visit www.bbb.org



 Tell the truth.  Few things destroy a company’s credibility with consumers faster than false advertising; regardless, some advertisers stretch the truth when it comes to talking up the eco-friendly qualities of their products. When touting about the shade of your green, as with any advertising or marketing claims, always tell the truth.


Make concrete claims. An honest advertiser will not make vague statements such as “environmentally friendly” or “sustainable” without qualification and solid examples to back up the claim. If your packaging is made from recycled paper, then say so. If your company has reduced energy costs, promote it. Making fuzzy claims, however, may get you into trouble.


Provide evidence. Consider creative ways of showing your company’s impact such as: How many hours your employees have volunteered, who benefited and how they benefited from your firm’s efforts. Also show how your products are better for the environment.


For more information on best business practices and advertising guidelines for your business, as well as other ways to make your business more socially conscious, visit www.bbb.org



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