President Clinton in Chicago today to stump for Quinn, Giannoulias and the Statewide Democratic Party ticket at a “Vote Illinois” rally

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By Juanita Bratcher


 President Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party statewide ticket will attend a “Vote Illinois” rally today (October 26, 2010) in the Palmer House Hilton Grand Ballroom, 17 East Monroe Street, in Chicago.

Clinton will stump for Gubernatorial Candidate Pat Quinn, U.S. Senate Nominee Alexi Giannoulias and the complete Democratic Party ticket slate. 

The rally, scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.,  is free and open to the public on a first come, first serve basis.

Clinton will be introduced by Alexi Giannoulias, Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate. Clinton will voice support for Illinois statewide candidates and congressional candidates running in the November 2 election.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michele Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Clinton have taken to the campaign trail to rally up the troops in support of Democrats running in the November 2 election, some in  tight races with opposition.

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