Black-Owned Fitness Start-Up Aims To Fix Healthcare For African Americans

Nationwide — Healthcare just got a makeover thanks to JunBugg® Fitness Social Network and Lifestyle Brand. Louis Green, the company’s African American founder and CEO, has recently launched its NextGen fitness website.
The start-up’s website boasts a sleek interface, vibrant orange logo, sophisticated font-type, and beautiful images. JunBugg uses algorithms that recommend solutions to news feeds, the same technology that has allowed TikTok, Netflix, and Amazon to be successful. What makes JunBugg unique is that it uses the concept that has allowed humankind to evolve, “learn from someone that has achieved what you want to do.” Through social engagement, members of similar health conditions and body-types share fitness and medical solutions to get fit.
A personalized social fitness solution, members engage, collaborate, and work as a team. Teamwork allows members to foster camaraderie, innovate, and better problem solve fitness and health obstacles. The bigger the network grows, the more cures that are created. Personalized health data that members provide make JunBugg the ideal solution for chronic illness self-management and preventative healthcare.
The African American community was hit hardest by COVID-19, who stand to gain the most from JunBugg. Easy access and equal quality of healthcare through the platform, while being affordable. The management of health conditions is the biggest benefit and the prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment, by being fit through exercise and eating healthy.
“Health is the new wealth. The first of its kind, JunBugg will forever change fitness and healthcare,” said Louis Green, JunBugg’s CEO. “People are an amazing resource that’s never been used in this way — through the power of social media, to solve problems through entertainment.”
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About JunBugg
JunBugg is the premier fitness social network dedicated to inspiring people and communities to become healthier through social entertainment. It promotes quality of life. A Silicon Valley transplant, Louis Green worked for IBM, Exodus Communications, and Global Crossing.