Ahmed Khan, South Asian Community Leader and former Aldermanic candidate, endorses Alderman Berny Stone for re-election

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Chicago, IL – Ahmed Khan, a South Asian community leader who ran for
Alderman of the 50th ward during the February election, has endorsed
Alderman Berny Stone for re-election.  Khan’s endorsement is providing
the Stone campaign with excellent momentum as early voting begins in
the run-off election.

“I am proud to endorse Alderman Berny Stone,” said Khan.  “Berny has
been a friend of the South Asian community for many years.  He is
committed to our economic progress.  He was influential in bringing
Small Business Improvement Fund dollars to Devon Avenue businesses and
he understands the social and economic challenges our community

“Even when the Alderman and I were competitors during the February
election, I respected the experience and wisdom that he brought to the
Chicago City Council,” said Khan. “I feel confident that, working
together, we can reinvigorate the beauty and vitality of the 50th
ward.  The Alderman is easily accessible and approachable — and a
great helper and a problem solver.”

“I am honored to have Ahmed Khan’s support” said Alderman Stone. “He
is a vibrant, energetic community leader who has a great future in
politics.  He ran a strong campaign and brought excellent ideas to our
public debate about the future of the 50th ward.  I look forward to
working with him in the future”

Alderman Stone won the largest number of votes in the first round of
balloting on February 22nd and is currently garnering support for the
April 5th run-off election.

Khan and Stone (Click Here to View Image)

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