Happy black business owner of restaurant doing the books using a digital tablet, notepad and documents looking happy and pleased

Happy black business owner of restaurant doing the books using a digital tablet, notepad and documents looking happy and pleased

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Nationwide (BlackNews.com) — The new Directory of Black Owned Businesses and Organization (DOBOBO) is a national consumer driven web-based advertising and marketing business. Many times, consumers who will not do business with you and drive right by going to “other” people’s businesses, not knowing you are there right around the corner ready to serve them.

The DOBOBO business model is designed to create a viewing audience that is reflective of Black communities while providing an online platform to support and publicize businesses and organizations in African American communities.

The directory endeavors to provide Black-owned businesses and organizations with an opportunity to advertise, share resources, and promote cooperative economics through a mutually shared platform.

Striving to “bring back Black,” DOBOBO will push to promote the creation of earning opportunities, increasing and recycling the flow of revenue within the Black communities, and expanding opportunities for Black businesses and consumers.

The agent referral system

DOBOBO’s integrated Agent Referral System will reach every segment of the population by actively encouraging and financially rewarding consumers who help us identify qualified Black owned business for the directory through our Agent Affiliate Referral Program.

Referral Agents can earn a 20% commission for each paid advertiser (new or renewing) referred by them to the directory. They may refer 1 or 100. There are no limits to the number of advertisers that may be referred (business owners may also participate).

Although DOBOBO was developed with small and medium size Black-owned businesses and organizations in mind, they anticipate that this advertising portal will improve your businesses or organizations, regardless of size. Let them assist with increasing your business exposure while contributing to the empowerment of our communities.

Black-owned businesses and organizations are encouraged to advertise in the Directory of Black-owned Businesses and Organizations (DOBOBO), and consumers are encouraged to be agents supporting them and earning and income in the process.

Free Listing

The first 200 businesses and/or organizations that provide their listing information by November 30, 2019 will receive a totally free one-year Silver listing in the directory with absolutely no obligation whatsoever. Just email the following information to info@dobobo.com:

* Business Name
* Business Contact Information (i.e. phone, email, and address)
* Website address (if applicable)
* Business Description (up to 1000 characters)
* Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or YouTube links (if applicable)
* Special Offers (if applicable)
* Business Hours

For more details, visit www.dobobo.com

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