8th Ward Alderman’s Abuse of Power and Waste of Taxpayers’ Money Was Obvious During a Peaceful Press Conference by 8th Ward Residents

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Several 8th Ward residents held a Press Conference in front of Ald. Michelle Harris’ ward office to protest a proposed Low Income, Section 8 housing project to be built at 9329 to 9429 S. Stony Island Ave. The building will consist of 134 units, 7 Story.

When protesters arrived for the Press Conference in front of the alderman’s ward office at 8539 S. Cottage Grove Ave., there were 6 Police SUV Squad Cars already stationed on the street in various places, and a few police officers standing on the sidewalk with protesters to watch what was going on.

Walderman_harris_abuse_of_powerith crime being what it is in Chicago, 8th Ward residents who attended the Press Conference were baffled and taken aback when they counted six SUV squad cars on the street. “Did she think a mob was coming?” a person asked. “These police officers could best serve the community being out on the street fighting crime.”

“What’s this all about?” asked another protester. “Is it necessary to have this many police officers here for a Press Conference?”

“What was she (alderman) thinking?” yet another protester asked. “What does she expect us to do? Are we suppose to be a mob or something? I’m sure everyone out here has no violent intentions. Is this an ego trip for her? Or is she trying to put importance on herself? Believe me, we will remember her on Election Day February 26, 2019.”

To be continued:
Zoning board meeting is May 9, at 10:00 am
City Council Chambers
City Hall, 2nd. Floor

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